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Imogen Gilchrist Imogen Gilchrist

Making Retail Display Plinths for Blundstone Australia

We were stoked when iconic Australian brand, Blundstone contacted us to design and make plinths to display their boots in retails stores. It was a complete shift in the workshop from making beds but a really fun and creative project to get stuck into. We took the opportunity to use different materials, learn new skills and test new techniques.

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Life In Love and Business with Banabae

We sat down with Australian apparel and homeware brand Banabae to chat about love, life and business. Click through to read about how we met, where we call home, how our business started by accident, what’s to come and how we’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day.

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

2022 Free Goal Setting Guide

This guide will help you break your your big year goals down into bite-sized pieces and you'll be ticking things off in no time. Our biggest piece of advice; make sure to celebrate all of your wins - the big and the small - it'll give your success momentum and push you to work harder, dream bigger and live larger.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

Online Business Course For Furniture Makers

The Successful Furniture Makers course by Al + Imo is the only implementation course of its kind that not only shows makers exactly how to set up procedures and processes in their businesses but also teaches digital marketing strategies to reach their dream customer at their dream price point.

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Creating Family Traditions

Last weekend we put up our Christmas tree and it felt like the start of a new family tradition. Going out and picking the tree, pulling out the decorations, decorating and turning on the lights. It got us thinking about how important it is to create traditions and rituals as a family.

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Al Talks Men's Mental Health

This last month I completed Movember and it’s got me thinking about mental health and the way it affects everyone young and old. It’s something I am continuously working on and am aware of in my own life and those around me.

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Our Top Spotify Songs of 2021

Like everyone, we’re sharing our top songs of 2021. Al’s is mostly Aussie punk rock and my playlist is mainly made up of songs from our birth playlist. We both love listening to music and always up for new recommendations so feel free to share your playlists with us!

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5 Things We’ve Learnt as New Parents

This week Goldie turned six months old and it only feels like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. I remember people saying to me time flies…. and I can say from experience it goes quicker than that! Our experience so far into parenthood has been really nice despite being locked down for most of it. I think we’ll look back at that time just the four of us (including Edwina our pup) as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bond as a really tight little unit. In this blog post Al and I share our top five things we’ve learnt as new parents.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

How We Photograph Our Furniture From Home

In 2020 we went into one of the strictest lockdowns in the world and we had to come up with a solution to photograph our furniture from home. We came up with a bookshelf design that doubles as a false wall in our living room and this has become the backdrop for our furniture photography. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise as now we save so much money and time when it comes to staging and photographing our furniture.

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Making Goldie’s Cot For Her Nursery

The cot was the final piece of furniture we wanted to make for Goldie’s Nursery - we were sure that she would arrive before it was finished… just as I saw the final pieces come together the contractions started. The next day I laboured at home while Al sealed the cot and we we had it set up in her nursery just in time for her arrival.

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