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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Restyling our DIY Boot, Coat and Hat Rack

Remember the DIY Boot & Coat Rack we made last year? Well I decided it was time to re-style it and make some space for hats! I added a couple of extra hooks to accomodate our hat collection. This DIY project is still one of my favourite projects to date!

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Our Favourite Healthy Chicken Soup

This recipe came from a friend’s dad, we’ve been cooking it for years and it’s a staple in our kitchen throughout winter. I love cooking this whenever we’re sick or on a cold, rainy day. This was also a meal I prepped before Goldie’s birth and enjoyed postpartum.

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LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist LIFESTYLE Imogen Gilchrist

Chickpea Dhal & Flat Bread

We received this recipe a couple of years ago from our friend Jess, it's a meal that we love and have on heavy rotation. You can pack it out with seasonal vegetables and the leftovers can be eaten with eggs for breakfast!

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Our DIY Nursery Reveal

Al and I always knew we wanted to build our own nursery furniture, there’s something so special about creating family heirlooms that we can pass on through our children. Our Nursery has been a long time in the making with plenty of planning, designing, prepping and making but gosh all of the hard work was worth it once we saw out little Goldie girl in her cot!

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Labour, Birth and Bringing Goldie Home

Our birth definitely didn’t go the way I expected it would but I do feel the way I wanted to. I wanted a birth where I felt supported, in control of my decisions and empowered as a woman. Goldie’s birth was the most transformative moment of my life, I have never felt so in-tune with my own body and connected to Al.

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Imogen Gilchrist Imogen Gilchrist

The Land

We took a photo out the front of the block to put out to the universe that we wanted it and called the real estate agent. He told us it was the last block left and to think about it … but not to think about it for too long.

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