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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

Online Business Course For Furniture Makers

The Successful Furniture Makers course by Al + Imo is the only implementation course of its kind that not only shows makers exactly how to set up procedures and processes in their businesses but also teaches digital marketing strategies to reach their dream customer at their dream price point.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

How We Photograph Our Furniture From Home

In 2020 we went into one of the strictest lockdowns in the world and we had to come up with a solution to photograph our furniture from home. We came up with a bookshelf design that doubles as a false wall in our living room and this has become the backdrop for our furniture photography. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise as now we save so much money and time when it comes to staging and photographing our furniture.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

Interview With Surf Coast Creatives Podcast

We sat down with Ben Hucker, the host of Surf Coast Creatives to chat about how we started our business building furniture, how we run it and life here on the beautiful Surf Coast of Victoria, Australia. We feel so honoured to be the first guests of this new podcast that is highlighting creatives and business owners here on the Surf Coast.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

Set yourself up for a successful 2020

We started writing goal lists together 4 years ago, since then our lives have changed dramatically - we moved away from the city, we started our own businesses, we've travelled more than we ever have before, we're healthier, more productive and we feel like we are literally living the dream. We’re created a free GOAL SETTING GUIDE and you can get it here.

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BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist BUSINESS Imogen Gilchrist

GT Interview

We were recently interviewed and featured in GT HOME magazine. Click through to read a little more about our journey of starting Al and Imo Handmade and what our hopes are for the future.

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